(( Facial Details:High cheekbonesAlmond-shaped eyesIntense gazeBlue eyeshadowDefined eyebrowsSmooth complexionFull lipsSlightly parted lipsSubtle blushSymmetrical featuresDetermined expression ))(( Hair Details:Long black hairSilky textureFlowing locksHigh ponytailHair tied with blue ribbonLoose strands framing faceGlossy finishStraight hairHair movement in actionDetailed hair strandsRealistic hair shadingTwo chin-length locks of hair in front of ears bare

Sorry, we didn't find any “(( Facial Details:High cheekbonesAlmond-shaped eyesIntense gazeBlue eyeshadowDefined eyebrowsSmooth complexionFull lipsSlightly parted lipsSubtle blushSymmetrical featuresDetermined expression ))(( Hair Details:Long black hairSilky textureFlowing locksHigh ponytailHair tied with blue ribbonLoose strands framing faceGlossy finishStraight hairHair movement in actionDetailed hair strandsRealistic hair shadingTwo chin-length locks of hair in front of ears bare” Works,We recommend these Works